Environment Monitoring

We supply wide range of Environment Systems as standalone systems as well as Integrated Management Systems.

 Environment Monitoring System

One single device to measure and record Temperature, Humidity, Light and Air Flow Wireless-environment-monitoring-with-UV-amd-Solar-RadiationVelocity and Sound and data can be recorded on to a SD card. The recorded data can be transferred to Microsoft Excel. Also External sensors for various applications also can be connected. The battery laps a minimum of 40 hours and maximum of 120 hours depending on the data sampling rate, environment conditions etc.

Environment Monitoring System Mini Meteorological Radar

This is a unique portable X-band weather radar with large functionality integrated in small device sold for favorable price. It provides real-time insight to weather situation up to 100 km range.

  1. Unique portable X-band weather radar.
  2. Large amount of functionality integrated in small device.
  3. Real-time insight to weather situation.
  4. Up to 100 km range.

Weather Station on Smart Phone / TabletWeather monitoring forecast on Smart Phone

Weather and Air Quality monitoring, indoor and outdoor. Measure CO2 concentration and monitor confinement. These are wireless sensors. You can obtain real-time local Air Quality Index report. Improve your indoor wellness you can install the App on any and all of your devices. All of your data is stored online and permanently accessible from the App or the WebApp.


Remote Weather station with data transmission using SIM card

For remote areas, where no internet connection or server rooms are available, this device is installed. The following parameters can be mainly monitored:

  1. Atmospheric temperature
  2. Atmospheric Humidity
  3. Wind speed
  4. Wind direction

The data is collected and transmitted through GPRS data transmission using a SIM card. The unit collects the data and converts into data packets to be transmitted through GPRS mode. The data will be available on a cloud-based server and can be viewed over the internet. Alternately the data can be transferred to a centralized server and be downloaded by any computers within the network.

This weather station can also be combined with Solar cells so that this can work on solar power.

For latest details and specifications, please contact our office before purchase.