Dehumidifiers for cold rooms & ware houses
It is recommended that the humidity of the cold room be maintained at around 60% for ideal storage of medicines. The moisture or humidity need to be controlled for various applications such as medicine storage, museums, libraries, art collection, storage of paintings, storage of metals etc. High humidity causes slow damage to any of these stored items
While there are different types of dehumidifiers available with different operating principles, desiccant de-humidifiers are generally used for industrial applications. The principle of operation is that the humid air is constantly circulated through a desiccant which absorbs the excess moisture from the air and thus the humidity level can be controlled. The desiccants used are materials like Zeolite, silica gel or similar material which has high moisture absorption capacity.These are known as desiccant type dehumidifiers.
Another principle utilized for dehumidifiers is compressor type which will have an evaporating unit and the air is processed for removal of moisture from the air. The air is condensed for de-humidification.These are called condensation type dehumidifiers.
The desiccant type is better for low temperatures while the compressor type is more efficient for normal temperature ranges. Hence desiccant types are generally preferred for cold rooms
Vacker becomes dealer for Trotec,Germany make dehumidifiers (Updated Nov 2014)
Vacker has signed agreement with Trotec, Germany for their entire range of commercial and residential dehumidifiers. Please readon for various models of dehumidifiers.
Types of dehumidifiers by Trotec, Germany:
Please click the following link for other types of dehumidifiers by Trotec, Germany
Dehumidifiers – Home Page
Vacker UAE supplies various dehumidifiers in Dubai,Abudhabi and other emirates of United Arab Emirates. Also we supply dehumidifiers in all other Middle East countries covering Qatar, Oman, Bahrain, Kuwait and Saudi Arabia
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