Advantage of using Wireless data loggers for Temperature Mapping study

This article relates to temperature mapping study carried out for warehouses, cold rooms, vans, reefers etc in pharmaceutical industry. As explained in our other pages on mapping study, the procedure is to collect temperature & humidity data for a period of time. We can carry out this data collection either using the normal data loggers or wireless data loggers. Please read more for the comparison of both methods.

Mapping study using normal data loggerstemperature-humidity-data-logger-for-temperature-mapping-study

Generally, most of the companies use normal temperature & humidity data loggers with internal memory. They collect the data for the defined period of time such as 14 days for a pharma warehouse. At the end of the 14 days, they download the data and check for the excursions. As these temperature & humidity data loggers are cheap, this is the most economical method.

However, the disadvantage is that we will come to know of the excursions only after a couple of weeks after completion of the data collection. After data collection, it may take a couple of weeks to analyse the data and inform of any excursions. Valuable time is lost in this process.

Mapping study using wireless data loggers

In the above context, we will explain the methodology of temperature mapping study and qualification using wireless-temperature-datalogger-for-temperatrue-mapping-studywireless data loggers. The entire procedure of placing the data loggers and collection of data is same in both the cases. However, in this case, we will place wireless data loggers, It is better to use radio frequency or Zigbee based wireless sensors since they do not require a separate power source. We will have numerous wireless sensors (transmitters) and few receivers. We have to place the wireless sensors across the entire area same as we do for normal data loggers. And we have to connect few receivers to receive the data from all these sensors.

The main advantage of using a wireless data logger system is that we can analyse the data while the test is being carried out. We can program alerts so that email or SMS alerts will be generated in case the temperature goes beyond the permitted limits. We can view the data through a local server as well as through the internet. The temperature mapping company can monitor the data remotely over the internet and can suggest any corrective actions immediately. Sometimes the corrective actions will be as simple as changing the temperature setting of a thermostat.

Thus, the client will be confident of the outcome during the course of the study. However, this method is costlier than using the normal data loggers, since wireless data loggers are costly. Also, it will require some more time to configure these data loggers before the commencement of the study.

Vacker Group carries out Temperature mapping study and qualification in United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Kuwait, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (Riyadh, Dammam, Jeddah), Bahrain, Jordan, Iraq and Oman.

Also, VackerAfrica carries out Temperature mapping study and qualification in African countries covering Nigeria, Djibouti, Tanzania, Kenya, Cameroon, Ethiopia etc.

Please see our website of Vacker Arabia to see our activities specifically in Arabic region.

Posted in Temperature Mapping, Temperature Mapping & Validation
2 comments on “Advantage of using Wireless data loggers for Temperature Mapping study
  1. I like how you included that data loggers are cheap and the most economical method. My uncle is wanting to start a business and heard about data loggers and wanted to know the benefits of using one for his business. I’ll make sure to pass this information along to him as he starts up his business.

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